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My Own Utopian Experiment #17: Examined Life, know your answers to important questions
“The unexamined life is not worth living” by Socrates
The Socrates famous dictum says it all. When...
My Own Utopian Experiment #17: Purpose is something you give it to yourself, not found elsewhere.
I used to be bothered by the statement, happiness is a choice. The struggles I had in my early years...
My Own Utopian Experiment #16: Recognize and Savor the fact that your dreams came true.
This is my 3rd gratitude practice since the first day of the blog. First one was about people and second one was...
by Emily Nagoski PhD and Amelia Nagoski DMA
My Own Utopian Experiment #15: Taking care of your stress, completing the stress cycle
A book review for May!
This book offers...
My Own Utopian Experiment #15: Celebrating mother’s day with gratitude
I am a mother myself. We cry, laugh and pray for our kids. Each day has its own joys and hardships. We tend to overcome the...
My Own Utopian Experiment #14: Say no to unnecessary stress and pressure. Recognize the real beauty.
There is so much emphasizes on external appearances. We are all brainwashed to certain points. I am...
My Own Utopian Experiment #13: Declutting my space in the way I thrive
Decluttering is more than throwing things away. It is an attitude towards life and re-evaluation of what’s really important. This...
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