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My Own Utopian Experiment #31: Sharing a few things my soul enjoys
Soul loves beauty, creativity, imagination, contemplation, reflections, constant attentions, pure joys and pleasures, not mere entertainments...
My Own Utopian Experiment #30: Sharing my journey to live more soulful life
It breaks my heart when someone says they do not know what they enjoy, who they are and even how to spend time alone joyfully....
My Own Utopian Experiment #29: Enjoying surprises from a random book with my own reflection
I just finished reading a book I bought out of impulse. There are many reasons that I read books. It is relaxing,...
My Own Utopian Experiment #28: Celebrating birthdays
In the honor of celebrating my son’s birthday this month, I would like to share a poem. Birthdays are so special. It is the day that you were born...
My Own Utopian Experiment #27: Enjoy the wonder of books daily
I am writing this post after bringing 4 books from a book fair. I love book fairs. The profit goes toward good causes. This justifies the...
My Own Utopian Experiment #26: I already have my perfect days to live fully.
This is such a famous book. It was translated in 31 languages in 36 countries. If you would like to read in another language,...
My Own Utopian Experiment #25: Create Sabbath and welcome what each day can bring
For readers in US, we had a longer weekend due to Labor Day holiday. There are some people who work on holidays so it...
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