My Own Utopian Experiment #25: Create Sabbath and welcome what each day can bring
For readers in US, we had a longer weekend due to Labor Day holiday. There are some people who work on holidays so it is not for everyone. We often do not think about them but it is important to recognize them to send appreciation. There are the people who makes the holiday weekend special and fun.
Right before the long weekend, I felt a bit out of balance. This happened time to time. It can be poor sleep the night before, something that bothers me, being extra tired, etc. I did not know why this time but a bit not myself. Then the longer weekend came. On Sat, my two sweet girlfriends invited us to go to a beach town together with kids. We had a moment that we did not know where to go, half-lost. We walked a lot with small kids. Regardless what we did and what happened, I really enjoyed the time being together. Being at the same place at the same time doing the same thing is priceless to me. We were sharing a moment trying to enjoy the last bit of summer. We engraved a memory we all can recall together. It uplifted my soul. I immediately realized it was kind of break I needed. You can’t explain well but I was just happy spending some time with good people sharing one of our Sats. Weather was nearly perfect. I actually did not mind walking at all. I wish we can have another day like this one soon.
On Sunday, we went to a carnival near home tasting what they are selling for lunch and snack. We picked a few rides. My kid liked the performance of youth orchestra. We enjoyed the music under a tree and the breeze felt really refreshing. We brought home two customized bubble heads. It was nice just to be outside with my family. The nice weather was really a bonus. I did not realize until the end of Sunday that I created my own Sabbath in this long weekend. I was relaxed and myself again. I felt I had enough joy and fun to be ready to be just home next day. We need this kind of days without any plans. In fact, I do not have any special plans on most of my days. It really opens the door for what a day can bring. The possibilities are limitless. Just be in the flow of having surprises and simply just to be with myself and family. This is when the time goes slow. I feel life is beautiful just the way it is when things slow down. It is a great feeling that I have a whole day just to be myself.
Kids need breaks as much as we do. Their lives look much simpler than ours but this also means little things can impact them more. As adults have responsibilities, they also go to school, do homework and after-school programs, navigating social webs, etc. I am a mom who likes to give as much as free time possible. I do not put more than one activity at one time. Only one day per week, he goes somewhere to pursue his interest. I never coax him to do anything. He makes his own choice and witnesses his own progress. I am a totally bystander and a driver. After homework, he has free time to play outside, calls out friends, draw, read comics, games and other things. It is just my philosophy that this is one of the ways you find yourself. It is a life skill that he has to learn how to create joy and fun himself and simply enjoy the day. He is in charge. Nothing else and nobody else. In my opinions, most of activities we send them are structured. Kids are creative when they are bored and/or being in charge of their days. If we let them, they can be quite independent and thrive. We do not have to come up with something to do all the time for them. They also need to learn just to be with each day and open the door for all the possibilities a day can bring.
As soon as you wake up, open the door wide for all the possibilities and be ready to be surprised. Tell yourself this is the new definition of happiness. Don’t forget to create your own Sabbath. Sending my love. Enjoy your day!